

一个多世纪以来, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校一直坚定不移地致力于追求卓越的高等教育. 在一系列杰出领导人的指导下, generations of students have passed through the hallways of this top-ranked public university and emerged with the education and experience to change the world.

布莱恩·L. Levin-Stankevich: 2006 - 2012


布莱恩·Levin-Stankevich从2006年到2012年担任威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校校长, during which time he promoted the growth of the campus and the improvement of the university's programs despite large reductions in state support.

在莱文-斯坦克维奇的岁月里,校园里有两个主要的建筑项目. 新W.R. 戴维斯学生中心取代了1959年建成的第一个学生中心. 一座新教学楼的建设开始了, 最终命名为百年纪念堂, 在旧校园学校的旧址上. 在这些年里,学生娱乐中心也进行了翻新, 历史悠久的斯科菲尔德大厅礼堂的修复, and participation by the university in a public-private partnership to renovate and expand Hobbs Ice Center. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔基金会的一个子公司也购买了前St. 欧克莱尔南部的比德修道院, 学校计划将儿童中心迁到那里.

列文-斯坦克维奇还领导通过了布鲁戈尔德承诺计划, through which students agreed to pay additional differential tuition to fund new faculty positions, 提供额外的经济援助, 创建超越传统课堂环境的教育项目, 提高四年毕业率,减少班级规模.

当莱文-斯坦克维奇离开威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校去犹他州的威斯敏斯特学院时, 学生会主席菲尔·赖尼什说, "The chancellor has been a great leader for us during the budget cut turmoil we've been going through."

唐纳德J. 饲料:1998 - 2005


Donald Mash从1998年到2005年担任威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校校长. He focused his work as chancellor on positioning the university for continued success in the new millennium.

Under Mash's leadership, the university for the first time embarked on a major fundraising campaign. The campaign eventually raised nearly $54 million for student scholarships and program enhancement. 更好地服务社会需要, Mash consolidated the outreach and continuing education programs of the separate colleges within the university and relocated them into more accessible space on Water Street. 他还指导了校园设施总体规划的准备工作, 确定了大学未来几十年的物质需求. 受他学生事务管理背景的影响, 马什尽量定期与学生见面, 无论是正式的还是非正式的. 他维持学生对差别学费计划的支持, which provided needed financing for the academic programs that made UW-Eau克莱尔 distinctive.

Mash left UW-Eau克莱尔 to become executive senior vice president of the University of Wisconsin System. 他说:“能在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校担任校长是我的荣幸. “这是一个令人难以置信的校园,有很棒的人."

拉里·G. Schnack: 1984 - 1998


在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校19年的教学和行政工作后, Larry Schnack从1984年到1998年担任校长. His tenure was a period of stability with respect to enrollment and the university facilities, 这让施纳克有时间把注意力集中在提高学术课程上.

1994年,重新定义的学士学位课程加强了通识教育. It emphasized study-abroad opportunities; promoted faculty-student collaborative research; encouraged the creation of capstone courses in the student's major; and initiated a service-learning requirement through which students would apply what they had learned in their courses to non-profit programs in the community. 新增了生物化学/分子生物学和美洲印第安人研究专业. 在施纳克担任总理期间, 入学新生的考试成绩和高中班级排名百分比都有所上升. The university's enhanced academic reputation was reflected by its repeated high placing in the U.S. 新闻 & World Report's rankings of Midwestern regional universities —high rankings that have continued to the present day.

Chancellor Schnack also sought closer ties between the university and the 欧克莱尔 community. 特别是, he worked to make the university's resources more widely available by his membership on the 欧克莱尔 Area Development Committee.

在他退休的时候, the UW System Board of Regents emphasized his successes in "building an academic curriculum that has received national recognition" and his "significant contributions to regional economic development and the quality of life in the 欧克莱尔 region."

M. 艾米丽·汉娜:1981-1984


UW-Eau克莱尔's fourth chancellor, Emily Hannah, was the first woman to head a UW System institution. She also was the first UW-Eau克莱尔 chancellor to not have a background in public school administration.

During her tenure, from 1981 to 1984, Hannah was responsible for several important initiatives. 她鼓励教师更多地参与研究和奖学金. 根据荣誉校长伦纳德·哈斯领导的工作小组的建议, she promoted international education through more study-abroad programs and increased the numbers of international exchange students attending UW-Eau克莱尔. 她极大地扩大和加强了大学的荣誉项目, and she was an advocate for a greater presence of women on the faculty and women's issues in the curriculum.

伦纳德C. 哈斯:1959-1971,1973-1980


Leonard Haas led what is now the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 as president and chancellor from 1959 to 1971 and again from 1973 to 1980. (从1971年到1973年,他是威斯康星大学系统的执行副校长.威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的招生, 在他领导的那些年里,他的工厂和声誉都有了巨大的增长.

在哈斯任职期间,哈佛大学的建筑从5栋增加到25栋,从1栋增加到25栋,700到近11,000名学生. 来自欧克莱尔地区以外的学生比例, 甚至来自威斯康星州以外的地方, 极大地增加. 开设护理学和商学学士学位课程. Acknowledgment of their high quality came from the college's membership and recognition of excellence in 30 honor societies and accreditations. 在他导师的建议下, 劳拉·萨瑟兰教授, 他把“精益求精”作为学校的校训.

In 1986, the university's fine arts center was dedicated to Haas and his wife Dorellen in recognition of their support for and enjoyment of the arts.

威廉R. 戴维斯:1941 - 1959


威廉R. Davies served as the second president of what was then called the 欧克莱尔 State Teachers College from 1941 to 1959. The college's campus and curriculum were greatly enlarged and transformed during his tenure.

欧克莱尔州立师范学院的入学人数从700人增加到1人,在戴维斯担任总统期间,有700人死亡. 和威斯康辛州的其他师范学院一样,欧克莱尔学院于1951年成为一所州立学院. 课程扩展到包括文科科目, 计划开始增加护理和商业项目.

戴维斯向学生强调课堂外学习的重要性. He advocated for internationalizing the college by bringing in international exchange students and faculty and initiating travel-study programs for 欧克莱尔 students. 全国知名的演讲者来到校园在论坛系列演讲, 戴维斯也认为这是一种让社区与学院更紧密联系的方式.

经过十年的努力, 戴维斯确保在欧克莱尔校区建造第二座大楼. 布鲁尔大厅/佐恩竞技场/凯尔剧院/校园综合学校于1952年开放. 两个宿舍和一个学生中心在20世纪90年代后期完工, 使欧克莱尔州立大学更像一个住宿校园.

戴维斯宣布了他退休的打算,于12月10日去世. 10, 1959. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的第一个学生中心W.R. 戴维斯大学中心建于1959年,以他的名字命名. The original student center was razed and a new facility, completed in 2012, again was named named W.R. 戴维斯学生中心,以纪念这位前校长.

哈维一个. 斯科菲尔德:1916 - 1940


哈维一个. Schofield was the first president of what was then called the State Normal School at 欧克莱尔. 他带领学校度过了关键的头25年.

作为总统, 斯科菲尔德几乎没有支持人员,几乎是单枪匹马地管理学校事务. He successfully marshaled community support and political influence in Madison to head off attempts in the legislature to close the school in 1923, 1928年和1937年. He encouraged the designation of Wisconsin normal schools as teachers colleges in 1927 and oversaw the adoption of a new curriculum that awarded bachelor's degrees to students who completed a four-year program. The American Association of Teachers 大学 gave full accreditation to 欧克莱尔 State in 1927.

1940年底,健康状况不佳的斯科菲尔德被迫辞去总统职务. 1941年8月他去世后, the regents memorialized him as "a fine leader and friend — a man of administrative ability and sound counsel.老主楼,最初的校园建筑,被重新命名为斯科菲尔德大厅,以纪念他.




